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5 Ways to start your morning perfectly

Written by Pascal Landshoeft | Aug 22, 2019 6:19:58 PM

5 Ways to Start Your Morning Perfectly

Your morning determines how your entire day is going to be. Everyone has the power to start their day in the frame of mind they choose. The big question is: what frame of mind will you choose?

Most people let their moods and emotions determine how their day is going to be like. Moods and emotions are like the weather. They keep changing every time. If you want to have a wonderful day, you need to take control of your thoughts and emotions today. 

Investing a couple of minutes in the morning to create a resilient and optimistic mindset will help you stay on top of the things ahead of you throughout the day. 

Successful people wake up earlier than most people to prepare themselves mentally, spiritually and physically for the day ahead of them. Even if they terribly fail during the day, they will recover quickly because they started their day perfectly. 

If you always feel tired, lazy and groggy in the morning, here are five ways that will help you start your morning perfectly and take control of your life. You don’t need to visit a psychologist to have a great day. All you need to do is commit yourself to what we are going to discuss. Let’s get started!


Examine your attitude

Attitude is everything. Starting your day with a bad attitude is a recipe for failure and disaster. The good thing about attitude is you can change it anytime you want. Your success will be greatly determined by your attitude. 

Having a positive attitude will not only make you feel good but it will also help you accomplish more. When you are happy and excited, you will be willing to do more not just for yourself but for others too. Writers from Top Reviews Stars believe that a good mood in the morning makes their working day much more productive, and that’s why they have a person in their team who send funny jokes to everyone every morning.

When you are angry or frustrated, you tend to focus on yourself exclusively. You’re your outer world will always reflect who you really are. You only need about two minutes to examine and choose a positive attitude.


Gratitude is everything

Gratitude is the key to having more. It is one of the things that connects you with the supreme. Majority of people don’t practice gratitude. And that’s why they always feel like they don’t have enough. 

The truth is you have what you need today. Look around you. Five years ago, you dreamt of the things you have today. You have acquired most of the things you wanted but you are still unfulfilled. When you practice gratitude, you see all the blessings you have today. 

You might be facing challenges but you have so many things to be thankful for. It’s important for you to have gratitude journal. Recording everything you are grateful for will help you start your day well. This practice should take about five minutes.



Exercise in the morning is one of the best ways to start your day perfectly. Exercise is great not only for your physical health but also your mental health. It always feels great exercising and accomplishing this goal before going to work. 

Most gyms have early classes to accommodate those who wake up with the sun. If you prefer exercising alone, there are many great things you can do. You can go for a 30-minute jog around your neighborhood. If you have a dog, you can go for 45-minute walk around with him. 

Getting out before the sun rises will improve the quality of your life. Postponing your workouts will do you no good. You should also avoid exercising in the evening because you are likely to postpone.



You don’t have to be so serious when you wake in the morning. Today is another opportunity to do things in a better way. You’ve failed and learnt so many lessons in the past. There’s no need to keep holding on to the past. 

Focus on improving yourself in the present moment because your future is greatly determined by what you do now. If you want to improve how you do things, you need to be happy. 

One of the easiest ways to be happy is to smile or laugh heartily. You can read a comic or listen to your favorite radio show. There are so many videos you can watch to laugh. You can also laugh at yourself. You don’t have to take life so seriously. You only need to enjoy it.


Show your love

Showering love to your loved ones is one of the best ways to start your day. Letting someone else know how much you love them will transform your life and improve your relationships. Tell your spouse how much you love him or her. 

Tell your children how you feel. Tell your parents how much you love them. Tell your best friends how much you love them. Let your dog know how much you love him. Sending a message to your loved ones and colleagues will put you in the right frame of mind. 

When you do this, you stop focusing on yourself and you start paying attention to the world around you. You only a need a few minutes to do this exercise.


As you have seen, starting your day perfectly is not as complicated as most people think. To do all the practices mentioned above, you’ll need to wake up early. This means going to bed early. The more you do these practices, the better your life will be.

In the beginning, it will be difficult. Getting rid of bad habits is one of the hardest things on the planet but it’s definitely worth it. Consistency is the key to success. If you don’t wake up early to do these practices, you’ll find yourself slipping back to your old habits. Once you slip back, you’ll undo all the changes and progress you had started making.

You have to do this on weekends too. Your brain doesn’t know the difference between Monday and Saturday. Keep on keeping on and by the second week, you’ll have adjusted properly. Change and consistency is not easy but once the results start showing, you will be motivated to keep moving forward.

At the end of the day, it’s up to you to choose the kind of day you want to have. You’ll be productive and happier if you start your day well. A great morning will improve you’re the day you have. If you have great days, you’ll have a great life. 

In short, your morning is directly linked to the quality of life you’ll have. Let your family and friends know what you’ll be doing in the morning. You’ll be surprised to have them joining you. Start making plans to have great mornings. If you do what we’ve discussed as soon as you can, you won’t regret.