Run Faster, Lift stronger, Think deeper

A Journey to a Healthy and Active Lifestyle

Written by Pascal Landshoeft | Jul 5, 2019 5:22:13 AM

A Journey to a Healthy and Active Lifestyle

In today's world, many individuals have grown frustrated with the fact that they are moving through their day in a state of chronic illness, intense pain, lethargy, or some other form of disease. At some point, many of these individuals get fed up and decide that it's time to make a change. If you've reached this point, it'simportant to know that there are many steps you can take to overcome illness and become profoundly healthy. Read on to learn about some of the strategies you can deploy to begin reaping all of the benefits of a healthy and active lifestyle:

1. Plan

Strategic planning is the key to success in any area of life. This includes your health life. As such, it's immensely important to put together a plan which includes an identification of your goals, strategies for change, accountability partners, etc. If you find this part of your growth process to be overwhelming, know that you can start with the development of SMART goals. Goals are SMART when they are:


  • Specific
  • Measurable
  • Attainable
  • Realistic
  • Time-specific 


A sample SMART goal would be "I will run on the treadmill for 30 minutes three times a week to lose four pounds per month."


2. Drink More Water


Oftentimes, individuals fail to strategize and implement health strategies because the process seems too time-consuming, complex, or overwhelming. Yet it doesn't have to be. One of the simplest and most effective wellness techniques that you can deploy is drinking adequate amounts of water. This process is effective because drinking water prevents dehydration, a leading factor that causes people to overeat and thereby gain excess weight. Additionally, drinking water regularly helps flush toxins out of your body. Water consumption has numerous other wonderful benefits, including enhancement of one's metabolism.


Note that while adequate water consumption can have a wonderful cleansing effect on the body, this is not the only strategy available to you if you're interested in removing unwanted toxins from within. Another strategy you might try is the use of microbe formulas. Dr. Todd Watts from Microbe Formulas ( says that if you're healthy, you can do a parasite cleanse for about 90 days. Those that have an actual infection may need to do a cleanse for a much longer period of time. Dr. Watts's products are powerful because they involve a four phase system which ensures thorough cleansing and regeneration. The first phase is preparation. At this stage, the body is prepared for a successful true detox experience. The second phase is removal, and this stage involves the elimination of toxins, pathogens, and undesirable elements. The third stage is building, and this phase incorporates the body, creating momentum so that a deeper detox can transpire. During the fourth phase, heavy metals are removed from the body and the individual attains restoration of his or her health. 


3. Ditch The Processed Food


Another strategy you should deploy as you start your journey into the healthy, active lifestyle is ditching processed food. Unfortunately, most Americans live on a diet that is comprised of TV dinners, fast food, and other items that come chock full of sugar and chemicals. These items are harmful for many reasons, including the fact that they can cause excess weight gain, lethargy and brain fog. For these reasons and more, it's important for you to ditch processed foods and replace them with delicious, nutritious alternatives such as fresh fruits and vegetables.


4. Keep It Moving

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Studies indicate that the majority of Americans don't get  the recommended amounts of exercise. Unfortunately, sedentary living has a profoundly negative impact on health. For example, sedentary living can give rise to unwanted weight gain. Additionally, failing to exercise regularly can increase an individual's susceptibility to a wide range of unwanted conditions, including heart disease and cancer. With these realities in mind, it's important to start thinking about strategies you can deploy to get on track to making exercise a central component of your lifestyle.


As you begin thinking about how to make exercise a new normal in your life, remember that there are three central types of physical activity that you should be engaging in. They include cardiovascular activity, stretching, and weightlifting. Cardiovascular activities include things like swimming, running, and jumping rope. Yoga and pilates are two types of stretching that you might enjoy. Weightlifting can involve the use of equipment such as barbells, but you can also engage in weight-bearing exercise without the use of machines.


While there is no one secret to success when it comes to physical fitness, it's important to know that you can try various strategies to ensure that you don't fall off the wagon for an extended period of time. For example, some people find it beneficial to work directly with a personal trainer. Yet others feel embarrassed or uncomfortable at the idea of another person observing them as they engage in physical activity. If this is your dilemma, you may want to consider the value of joining a gym. Another strategy that many people find helpful is participating in marathons. 


5. Journal Regularly


Another component of your journey into profound, unprecedented levels of health is journaling regularly. This strategy is incredibly empowering because it provides you with an opportunity to engage your own thoughts. When you journal, you can discover what you think about a wide range of topics. By determining what you really think and feel about what's going on in your life, you can begin to make lifestyle changes which will empower you to exist in a healthier state. It's a good idea to set aside time each day to journal. This could be ten minutes in the morning and ten minutes in the evening. If this doesn't work for you because you have other activities that occupy those time periods, consider the value of journaling on your lunch break or the weekends. 


6. Meditate Every Morning

If you're serious about making healthier living your new normal, start meditating every morning. This mindfulness practice is powerful because it can help you recognize and eliminate mental clutter that may be precluding you from thinking clearly and critically. Meditation is also known to improve concentration levels, thereby providing you with a foundation for attaining higher levels of clarity and productivity throughout your daily life. 


Pursue A Healthy Lifestyle Now!


Once an individual decides that they're no longer willing to deal with an unhealthy lifestyle, it's time for them to begin implementing strategies that will promote wellness. You can implement some or all of the strategies outlined above to get on track to healthy living now!