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Are barbell curls good? [Article, Free Download]

Written by Pascal Landshoeft | Mar 29, 2019 4:30:00 PM

Are barbell curls good?

Curls are good for your biceps. Barbell curls are bad for your wrists. Therefore do curls, but with an EZ bar or dumbbell


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What is your why 


Before we go into the details of whether barbell curls are good, let me ask you a couple of questions: 


  • Why do you want to barbell curl? 
  • Why do you want to get stronger?
  • Why do you want to build muscle? 
  • What happens when you do? 
  • What happens if you don’t? 


These questions are important for your long term success. Life will get in the way of your ambitions and dreams. You better have some good reasons to keep pushing. Most people go about their life’s in this fashion: 


  • What do I want
  • How do I get it 
  • Why do I want it 


Almost everyone knows what they want. Fewer make a plan of how to get there. Almost none think about why they want certain things. The challenge with following what you want is that it changes hundreds of times in a day. It depends on whom you see, how you do things and simply what happens around you. If you let what you want be your guiding principle you will have a hard time feeling fulfilled and happy. Something interesting happens when you flip it on its head: 


  • Why do you want something 
  • How do you get it 
  • What do you need to do to get it 


With this change of order, you will focus on your most inner motivator and desire. Your actions and thought will become connected instead of disjointed and cluttered. In this process, you might also bang out some good curls. If you want to know how this works on a psychological level read Daniel Kahneman's thinking fast and slow. Simon Sinek explains this very good in his TED talk on the golden circle. He tells the very compelling story of the Wright brothers. 


Barbell curls


Barbell curls start from the hip and end at your chin. You move the barbell by curling your arms upward and inward. Curls are a great way to train your biceps. 


Barbell curls are not classified as compound exercises and are usually used as accessory movements. Powerlifters usually will do curls on squat or bench press day. It is also a movement that is usually done for repetitions rather than maximum weight. 


The biggest discussion about barbell curls is usually whether you should body English during the movement or not. Body English basically means how much you bring in the rest of the body to move the weight rather than the primary targeted muscle. If you minimize body English the biceps has to work harder and you use less weight. The more body English you use the less targeted the curl becomes. 


Pros of the bar bell curl


The barbell curl helps to keep training symmetrical. You can also load the barbell quite heavy. You will also mimmick the grip that you have in most other barbell movements. 


Cons of the barbell curl


The biggest con for the barbell curl is that it is very taxing on your wrists. Curling a king piece of metal that does not bend Doesn’t sit well with the wrists. They want to turn inward when you near your face and the stiffness of the bar prevents this. 


Alternatives to the barbell curl


  • EZ bar curl 
  • Dumbbell curl 
  • Kettlebell curl 
  • Hammer curl 


Are barbell curls good 


Curls are good for your biceps. Barbell curls are bad for your wrists. Therefore make use of an EZ bar curl to get the same benefits without wrecking your wrists.