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Can You Do Crossfit While Training For a Marathon?

Written by Pascal Landshoeft | Jul 16, 2020 2:41:22 PM

Can You Do Crossfit While Training For a Marathon?


When you are preparing for a marathon, there are many exercises you can do to stay fit. Crossfit is an intensive training exercise which mostly comprises of rapid movements made to improve strength. Such actions include pushing, squatting, and pulling, and their primary reason is to grow muscles. Are they needed when training for a marathon? The answer is yes. Crossfit is suitable for everyone, but there are precautions you need to take while performing them. However, doing such Crossfit training will give you the below advantages:


1. Improved mobility

Many exercises done on Crossfit are mostly used to increase the strength and stability of the body. With this, you can quickly improve your body speed while doing your marathon. Some of the Crossfit exercises you can do to increase your mobility include the hamstrings, Triceps, shoulder pushups, hips exercises, and ankle training. If done well, you will improve your body fitness, thus increasing the overall body movement.


2. Increases power

There are some Crossfit exercises you can do at home to increase your body power. While most workouts are necessarily done in the gym, some are simple and require fewer skills, meaning they can be done at home. You can be doing CrossFit at home with exercises like rope skipping with simple equipment like jumping rope, Medicine balls, and weight benches. You can invest in gym equipment at home instead of going to the gym now and then.


3. Increases Fat loss

Crossfit is the best exercise for weight loss. The reason is that the practices involved enable you to easily cut out fat, making your body well-toned and ready for a marathon. Fitness experts often say that some of the surefire Crossfit exercises you can do to lose weight include overhead squats, pull-ups, push-ups, sit-ups, and squats. These workouts will make your body shed some fat and active for a marathon.


4. Reduces imbalances

There are some Crossfit exercises you can do to increase your body and muscle balance. When preparing for a marathon, you will need your body to be stable avoiding toppling and going off-track, especially when exhausted or on high speeds in bad terrain. How does Crossfit help? Some exercises, like one overhead arm press, Barbell One-Leg Deadlift, will help your body stay fit and stable. The reason is that they make your body symmetrical.


5. Increases hip strength

There are some exercises you can perform, which will increase your hip strength, making you stay fit during the marathon. How do you increase your hip strength? Simple activities like Samson stretch, cow face pose, lizard, and pigeon exercises are essential for increasing your hip strength. These open poses will help your body adapt quickly and maintain its flexibility, ready for a marathon.



The above advantages are meant to prove that Crossfit is necessary when practicing for a marathon. There are other more exercises you can consider, like rope skipping, Burpee Box Jumps, and squats, which will keep your body fit and mobile. While training for a marathon, always perform all the necessary exercises inclusive of Crossfit, and you will see massive changes.