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Keto for weightlifting [Article, Free download]

Written by Pascal Landshoeft | Oct 10, 2019 4:00:00 PM

Keto for weightlifting

Keto can be a good pairing with weightlifting when you need to go down a weight class. With getting into etosis you may be able to speed up this process. Keep also in mind that carbohydrates can be broken down into energy faster and that weightlifting is all about explosiveness.

Keto batch cook

By clicking the button above you can get free access to my free batch cooking plans for keto which I have developed together with my wife. I usually take out 4 hours of my weekend to get the food ready for the entire week for us. There is also one pregnancy-friendly batch cook included as my wife craved the carbs when the little one was growing inside of her. Definitely recommend getting into the habit of batch cooking to save money and time. Also gets you some brownie points at home. The plans should save you a month of research and trial and error. Always consult with your doctor first whether you can eat the foods in the diet you are changing too.  

Overview of Keto 

The keto diet is a relatively new trend which has its roots in the successful treatment of patients with seizures. While this effect seems quite proven other claimed positive effects of the diet like slowing down cancer, Alzheimer’s and diabetes are still being investigated and the body of long term studies to support these claims still has to grow. 
The basic idea of the Ketogenic diet, or short keto diet, is to replace the carbohydrates in your diet through fat. By this, you want to achieve that your body switches into a state where the preferred source of energy is fat instead of carbohydrates. The effect is that your body becomes a fat-burning machine and you lose weight at the places where you normally store surplus fat. 
To get into Ketosis on a daily basis is very hard. Depending on the diet you are on the usual recommendation is to stay under 20g of carbohydrates to achieve this. You only look at a big of crisps the wrong way and you are already over that threshold. Eating one apple will also have the same effect. Therefore there are different approaches to the diet of which some make it more palatable than others. 
The standard Ketogenic diet divides your macronutrients in 75% fat, 20% protein, and 5% carbohydrates. Calculate whatever the recommended daily intake is based on your gender, age, height, and weight and distribute the calories on the macros accordingly. This version of the diet is very hard to maintain without changing your lifestyle completely and saying no often when food is offered at social occasions. 
Another take on the keto diet is the cyclical Ketogenic diet. Here you stick to the diet for five days and allow for more carbohydrates on two days of the week. You might as well call it the “I am allowed treats at the weekend” keto diet. 
Another version of the keto diet is the high protein keto diet. Here you apply a split of 60% fat, 35% protein and 5% carbohydrates. This is a version which might be favored by anyone who wants to build muscle. 
Things which you can eat on the keto diet
  • Meat 
  • Fish
  • Eggs 
  • Butter 
  • Cream 
  • Cheese
  • Nuts 
  • Olive oil 
  • Coconut oil 
  • Avocado 
  • Green vegetable 
  • Tomatoes 
  • Peppers 
  • Small amount of berries 
Things which you can’t eat 
  • Soda 
  • Fruit juice 
  • Smoothies 
  • Cake
  • Ice cream 
  • Candy 
  • Wheat 
  • Rice 
  • Pasta
  • Cereal
  • Fruit 
  • Peas
  • Beans 
  • Cereal
  • Lentils 
  • Chick peas
  • Potatoes
  • Sweet potatoes
  • Carrots
  • Parsnips 
  • Sauces 
  • Vegetable oil 
  • Mayonnaise 
  • Alcohol 

Pros of the Keto diet 

Keto is said to have positive effects on the following diseases: 
  • Diabetes 
  • Low blood sugar 
  • Epilepsy
  • Alzheimer’s 
  • Cancer 
I am no doctor so consult with your specialist for your specific case before deciding to go on the Ketogenic diet. The body of evidence for epilepsy seems to be strong while I always take the claimed benefits for diets to help with cancer and heart disease with a grain of salt before there is a lot of evidence to support it. If you want to sell a diet you have a way easier time if you claim it slows down cancer. So almost any leaflet of diet spinners claims this. What I can say is that I did see a marked improvement in my wife’s fibromyalgia symptoms when we stuck to the keto diet
What I can also vouch for is that the keto diet helped us to lose weight before our wedding. I went down by 7kg in 2 months and see wedding pictures look fabulous. I won’t talk about my wife’s weight because a wise man just simply does not. What you have to keep in mind is that any diet will work if you stick to it and there is quite a large body of evidence to support that. The weight loss is usually closer tied to the awareness how much food is eaten and a concerted effort to control it rather than the types of food themselves. 
Another benefit of the keto diet is that you can still eat fat. 
Steak? No problem. 
Berries with cream? Yes, sir, here we go. 
Platter of cheese? Bring it on 
If you like meat a lot and want to do a diet, keto is a great option. 
As you eat air of fat there is also a very low risk for you to eat too little calories. Fat is very highly condensed energy which comes in a high calorie per gram count. So eating a lot of fat will get you to your daily calorie prescription fairly fast. This is an area where vegetarians can really struggle without taking supplements. You have to eat a lot of cabbage to make it to 2000 calories. Not so much if you put a nice cream sauce on it. 

Cons of the Keto Diet 

As with every diet, the biggest con is that you are depriving yourself of an entire component in your diet, carbohydrates. If there is no medical reason to reign this intake in, the risk-reward might be a little of. If your main goal is weight loss this can also be achieved, and maybe even easier is you don’t have to change your cooking, by taking control of your portions, cutting out desserts and alcohol. 
There are also claims that the higher intake of fat makes it more likely for you to get kidney stones. Your gut health might also be negatively impacted. 
A big personal downside to the keto diet for me is that it becomes very hard to have a proper side to your main meal. Most side dishes have a lot of carbohydrates in them so you end up only eating the meat and cheese. This went so far for my wife and me that we needed to take a break. It also doesn’t really work when your pregnant. 

Alternatives to the Keto diet 

There are alternatives to the keto diet if you don’t find this appealing. Some of them are: 
The low-fat diet was the trend which was based on studies that a high intake of fat would lead to cardiac arrest and other problems in your blood system. With the surge of the keto diet, these studies are being contested. Still, for decades, low fat was the way to go when you were on a diet. What food producers did not tell you was that they still wanted their products to taste nice so that you keep eating them. Things usually taste nice when they either have fat or sugar in them. When you combine both in a cake it is extra delicious. As food producers couldn’t add fat they opted for sugar. 
If you like sweet things you can try juicing. Juicing is a diet where you only take in food in liquid form in the form of juices. As with every diet, the idea is to cut out certain foods to make you lose weight and be healthier. The main effect is that you switch from stuffing anything in front of you in your mouth to making More deliberate decisions. 
Weight watchers or slimming world are dieting concepts where foods are being attributed points. For each day you get a certain number of points which you can use up. It doesn’t matter what you eat, as long as you don’t go over your daily allowance of points. You can even bank your points and budget for a week. Once a week or month you will meet with your local group to be held accountable for progress. My wife tried it and I went to one of the meetings with her. She didn’t stick long to it. To be honest, me and my wife usually like to do our own thing. For someone who likes to meet with other people to talk about their struggles on a regular basis this concept might be more appealing. There are many examples where weight watchers worked. Again, this is back to portion control, if your goal is weight loss. 


Weightlifting is the only barbell sport so far that has become Olympic. This might be due to the nature of the snatch and the clean and jerk which are highly technical. In Olympic weightlifting, you will get three attempts per lift. The lifts which count against your total are the snatch and the clean and jerk. Out of the three attempts for each the best ones are counted towards your total. 
The snatch is the harder one of the two and requires you to get the weight directly above the head from the ground without touching off at the chest. To execute the lift successfully you need impeccable timing and upper body strength. From the ground you bring the barbell into an overhead squat position and from there to full extension of the legs. Sounds easy, but is pretty hard to do. Lifters usually post smaller numbers on the snatch than on the clean and jerk. 
The clean and jerk allows to bring the weight to the chest first before bringing it overhead. You will pull the barbell off the ground to bring it to the bottom position of a front squat as fast as possible. From there to squat up to full extension of the legs. The last part of the lift is to push the barbell overhead. 
Key to success is speed and strength. The stronger you are the easier it will be to get the weight explosively off the ground. Speed will determine how fast you get under the bar to make use of your entire body to get the weight up. This is the most crucial part of the lifts to experienced athletes. 

Pros of Weightlifting

Weightlifting has the advantage over bodybuilding and powerlifting that it is a lot more athletic. It needs you to be fast and nimble which is not necessarily required for bodybuilding and powerlifting as your body goes through a mallet range of motion. It still makes you strong as hell while it trains your entire body. There is also something very satisfying about bringing a huge weight overhead. 

Cons of Weightlifting

Olympic Weightlifting is very technical and can lead to serious injuries very fast if done wrong. So definitely take some time and money and Invest it in professional instructions. 

Alternatives to Weightlifting

Alternatives to Olympic weightlifting are 
Powerlifting will be for the more laid back people who want to go for maximum strength. While it is not as athletic or requires sheer willpower and the determination to withstand soul-crushing weights for a longer time than in Olympic weightlifting
If you like your ligaments and you only want to pump yourself up bodybuilding might be the better choice. You will still be in the weight room but your focus will be completely different. 
CrossFit will put more emphasis on mastering many different aspects of fitness. You will do handstand walks and push-ups, all sorts of pull-ups, and long-distance endurance events. 

Keto for weightlifting 

Keto can be a good pairing with weightlifting if you need to go down a weight class, but still, want to be able to perform well. You might want to look into the high protein variation of the keto diet to achieve this goal. Still, talk to a doctor and your trainer as the sugars from the carbohydrates might also be important for your explosiveness as they are processed faster into energy than fat.