Run Faster, Lift stronger, Think deeper

What crossfit can do for runners

Written by Pascal Landshoeft | Mar 23, 2015 7:28:32 PM

What crossfit can do for runners

I have been doing crossfit und lifting in parallel to my running training for about a year now with good results. I recover quicker, I am less prone to injury and improved my personal records on all distances except the marathon. 

Long distance runners can develop a habit of bad posture and weak core which can harm their overall performance. I pesonally have to work on my stride, but I am convinced it would be worse without the suporting exercises I do.

Single legged deadlifts, walking lunges and squats will increase your range of motion in the hips, glutes and hamstrings, preventing tightness and injuries caused by over usage. Planks will help to develop your core to increase running efficiency. 

In the table underneath you can see the results from 2013 ( without crossfit) to 2014 (with crossfit).