Run Faster, Lift stronger, Think deeper

What home gym equipment [Article, Video]

Written by Pascal Landshoeft | Jan 17, 2020 5:00:00 PM

What home gym equipment


This is an overview of what to get for your home gym and how to approach the task. Good planning is everything for a project like this to come out in the budget and happy with your decisions. Make sure that you buy hat you are actually going to use. This article was originally published under “what you need for your home gym


What home gym equipment

Here is some equipment that you might want to consider if you are into lifting and CrossFit. 

Rogue RM4

The Rogue RM4 is a solid choice as a centerpiece of a home gym with an interest in strength. You will be in the middle of the price range for one of the best vendors for fitness equipment out there. The monster series will protect your investment and can be equipped with a lot of accessories to fit our personal needs. 

Ohio bar 

The Ohio bar is the all-around option from Rogue. It comes in at a reasonable price and is produced in the states. It works for Olympic lifts, CrossFit and powerlifting. Especially good when you buy in bulk or want to save money in the Rogue portfolio. For personal use, you might want to consider the Cerakote versions which can be customized. 

Bumper plates 

Bumper plates are cheap and versatile. They are also easy on your fingers and toes of you get them caught between or under these plates. The only downside to bumper plates is that they want to max out the weight you can put in the bar. Up to 180kg, you will be all right going bumper. 


The cheapest and most compact full body gym you can get according to Pavel Tsatsoulin. I personally would agree with him. Women can start with 8kg while men usually can start with 12kg. Only the sky is the limit but I feel that the bigger kettlebells can only be used for swings. Maybe diversify your kettlebell exercise selection or try to execute with more speed before moving up in weight. 


Dumbbells are most famous for the bicep curls. Probably one of the less useful exercises. Dumbbells can be used for a lot more than just curls. Also, I think kettlebells are a little more useful once you know how to keep them balanced for presses. 

Jump rope 

The jump rope might be the best piece of equipment apart from shoes to keep your cardio up. Use it and start simple. Make it harder and harder and start doing tricks over time. Someone who is mostly interested in weight loss only needs a good pair of runners, a jump rope and a kettlebell


Have horsemats for strength and judo mats for yoga and martial arts areas. This way you will save money and keep yourself happy. 


I am personally not a big fan of treadmills but I get it when you live in an urban area with a lot of traffic. It’s not great to run outside when you are in constant danger to be run over. 
If you live in an area where you can quickly get to a river or lake by foot or car with a decent footpath i recommend running g outdoors. For bad weather get a rogue echo bike. They are easier to move and great for interval training. Treadmills have a tendency to break and take up a lot of space.