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Why fitness matters to me

Written by Pascal Landshoeft | Dec 13, 2017 6:00:00 PM

Why fitness matters to me


Fitness has become one of the pillars of my life to be more functioning and happy overall. The regime started with preparing for the Dublin Marathon in 2013 helped me to develop as a professional, husband and father. Here are the main points to help you to find the reasons why you will start your fitness journey to a better, more fulfilling life.




One of the biggest points of fitness to me is improving my performance. I was never a big fan of team sports or competition as I can not influence what others do.


Fitness, on the contrary, is a result of what you repeatedly do on a daily basis. You can determine the outcome by the choices you make. It matters to me to see how I improve after I invest time in myself.




The next aspect of the importance of fitness in my life is health. I see fitness as a preventive medication for myself so that I will stay fitter in my old days compared to not having taken care of it.


Working on your fitness will lower the risk of cancer, cardiac arrest, and illnesses of the mind like Alzheimer's. This is important especially as we are living in times in which people seem to live longer Burger less and less productive over time.




Everybody likes to look good. Without exception, if you can wave a want and look more attractive to the ones you love and care about today, you would do it.


Being more attractive makes my wife more likely to stick around, makes it more likely to score a good income and be respected by your kids and neighbors.


Looking is by far not the only ingredient to achieve happiness and success, but it definitely helps.




Thinking about improving my body and mind also helps me to get my thoughts and self more structured to get more done in less time. Chipping away at a program like Wendler 531, smolov or Stronglifts and deep diving into them helps me to reason better and see how good planning functions.


With better structure and understanding of planning, you can be a better father, partner, employer, employee. Fitness can help you to fulfill all the roles in your with more compassion and more effectively.




As stated in the book "Extreme ownership" discipline is the pathway to freedom. Fitness helps me in all walks of life to stick with it and stay on track to see the results.


When my marriage goes through a rough patch I can use the qualities learned from pushing through thousands of heavy squats which make me know that in the end I always get up. Though not a conscious effort my brain is rewired since I started to take fitness seriously.


Skill development


Fitness is also important to me as it helps me to develop new skills. Because of my regime, I am better equipped to help my family with health advice. I have learned what it means to build a following means and use the knowledge in my career.


You can also learn from fitness that sometimes it is completely normal to feel like your stuck. Overcoming plateaus by tackling what is in front of you in different ways is also a skill fitness teaches.


Being a role model


It is also important to me to be a good role model for my two children. Being in good health, getting out of my comfort zone, thinking critically about what to eat and whose advise to follow are parts of this.


Fitness is a tool outside my work which is easily accessible as a concept to my teenagers to understand why getting up early, being disciplined and chasing your dreams do matter.


Mental health


Since I am exercising regularly I am also less stressed. There is more balance to your life when you are able to have multiple fields in which you can be successful. Your relationship, school, job, project or career will always go through a rough patch ascertain times. Here orcas help to focus on a different field to get to a milestone while the roadblocks in other areas of your life have time to dissolve themselves or you can organize help.




Fitness matters as it is the most influential factor in my life to strive for continuous improvement apart from my family. It is the driving factor on a tactical basis to make me more happy, efficient and effective.

Further reading
