Information on how to run faster, lift stronger and think deeper

Rory Kelly

Age 21 I left University in Belfast with a fist full of academic qualifications and not the slightest idea of what to do next. The previous summer I had blagged my way into a newly opened restaurant on the North coast and worked 3 months as a very, very, very junior chef so it seemed ‘sensible’ then that I should now go back and become a professional chef. I spent 1 year in the Kitchen working and learning and training……and bleeding and drinking and crying and laughing….this blog is a meld of my recipes and my experiences from my time as a professional chef…names have been changed ‘somewhat’ to protect the fucking very guilty………

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5 ways to super charge your ultimate breakfast buddies

Posted by Rory Kelly

Jul 28, 2016 9:08:13 AM

5 ways to super charge your ultimate breakfast buddies

As I am a very hungry person and also don't want that only my bveloved makes the breakfast I wanted to find some good recipes to spice up that fry up you make yourself in the morning using bacon and eggs. Longboarder, blogger and all around cool Irishman Rory Kelly who runs came to the rescue with these five excellent recipes to switch up my routine in the morning and get some brownie points with the MRs on the weekend.

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Topics: Food & Diet