Run Faster, Lift stronger, Think deeper

How to solve the biggest problems with running

Written by Pascal Landshoeft | Jun 25, 2014 1:20:00 PM

How to solve the biggest problems with running


What we know we should do...


How often did you think about losing weight ? What would you do if you could just get fit ? How great would it be to run 5k, 10k, a half marathon or even run a marathon ? How jealous would the neighbours and old school friends be if you came back to your form from ten years ago ? All these things are running through many heads when stepping on a scale, the doctor says you should excercise more or the favourite trousers just won´t fit anymore. But there are obstacles which we put in our own way to stop us from running or getting healthier.



don´t have the time for running...


A valid point. If you approach it from this angle you won´t get fitter and reap the benefits from it. Maybe start with looking at what you currently have time for. Which activities are unproductive or where could time be used for a better purpose ? That half an hour of watching some random TV program; those thirty minutes dragging the last image one inch from right to left and back in your presentation ; the night out with your friends which you could not afford in the first place. If you look closely you will find 20 minutes each day somewhere which could be switched for improving your helth and overall well being. It worked for me and I am working full time, help out in the house with two teenagers and commute between 1 - 2 hours each day.


Running is not good for my body...


If you are overweight this is certainly true. Even more reason to get active. The trick is to slowly increase the amount of work you do. Of course, if you get out there after five years of doing next to nothing and conquer the one mile sprint of your life you will tear something or fall flat on your face. Start with walking and then increase the time you walk gradually. Once you feel confident you crank up the speed by jogging the first 5 minutes of your walk, then 10 minutes... you get the drill. I started out with running 5k for one month until i felt confident to move on to 10k in the next month. Consistency and persistence are your friends to run faster over time. 


I don´t have the equipment...


Do you have an iphone? A pair of old shorts ? Runners ? Most certainly and if not just go to the next Elverys or Lidl to get the equipment. This can even be incorporated in your next shopping. Tesco has a whole aisle dedicated to home fitness even including kettlebells. For 50 € to 100 € you should be sorted when starting out, if you have nothing at home (what i would seriously doubt, except you are an infant). Download the Nike running App to track your runs and get the satisfaction of completing a run. Go for it!


I don´t know where to run...


Google maps is your friend! Check out lakes, canals, rivers and parks which are near to you. Most of the times you can run along or around them. You are a student ? Great! Get out there on the campus and impress the opposite sex. You might even make new friends. You are a mother of two ? Ask yourself where you can run closely to the childrens outer school activities. You have to come back in half an hour or hour to pick them up anyway. Why not leave the car on the lot and go for a run ? You are a busy manager ? How is the route to and from work? Could you run in ? What do you do at lunch break ? Who of your clients is into running ? There are many possibilities, once you try to get creative. Basically you can run at any time, anywhere. I would stringly advisye against busy streets though. Car drivers can grow rat5her irritated.


What distance should I run...


Simple answer when you start: It doesn´t matter. Forming the new habit of making time for running is way more important than how far or how fast you run. Enjoy the fresh air, look at the people and think of the start of the new you. Take someone with you you care about and catch up. That is all what is needed before you get more ambitious with time. Grow with it.


How long should i run...


Aim for 20 minutes of moving without pausing at the start and take it from there. If your lungs are burning you are running too fast. If you are not breaking one pearl of sweat you are moving too slow. Gretchen Reynolds book "The first 20 minutes" can give you more insight about why the first 20 minutes are the most efficient ones of every cardio workout. 


And more...

 You have found other challenges which keep you from running ? I am really interested to get to know your story. Comment below and subscribe to my blog. We will come up with a solution together! 


Further reading