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How to Stay Hydrated for fitness [Article]

Written by Pascal Landshoeft | May 23, 2018 5:00:00 PM

How to Stay Hydrated for fitness


This article was written in cooperation with Originally written by Cris Puscas I have added my personal experiences with hydration. You will find out how to look for signs of dehydration and how to prevent it. Make water an essential part of your new health regime.



When you exercise you have to pay close attention to your hydration. When you have not enough water in your system your performance will suffer. For endurance athletes, it can even mean serious health risks to be over- or underhydrated. The summer days are most critical when you do sports outdoors. Take your preparations according to the season and type of sport you do to stay fit.

Multiple studies have shown that even mild dehydration can impair cognitive function. So when you think about summer, water sports and cooking holidays don't forget about water.

After these disclaimers, let us look at the first signs of dehydration. After this, you will see what to do to prevent dehydration.


How do you know you are mildly dehydrated?


Here are some signs that you are mildly dehydrated and should take action to rehydrate:

  • you feel thirsty
  • you have a headache or feel lightheaded
  • you feel tired or sleepy
  • you go to the loo less often
  • your urine is dark colored
  • you are constipated

When you are running a marathon you might not even notice these signs. This is why you should prepare your drinking schedule. Plan the route ahead. Practice on your long runs when and how to drink.

If you opt for energy drinks and liquids get your body used to them. If you do not prepare your body beforehand, you might be in for a big surprise on race day. It can get you really out of tune when you experience problems with your hydration on the track.

For weightlifting and strength training make sure you rehydrate. Whenever you rest between sets, have a little sip of water. Be careful when you use a lifting belt. Avoid filling your belly like a balloon to then strap it into a lifting belt. You might puke.


What should you do to ensure you don’t get dehydrated?


It is quite easy to make sure we keep our bodies properly hydrated during the day. Here are some easily actionable tips to keep in mind:



Carry a water bottle


Invest in a good water bottle you actually like. Runners should take care that it is easy to carry or clip onto your race belt. Make room for the bottle in your gym bag. Fill it with water before you leave home, after the gym and uring work.

Once at work, place it on your desk to be refilled. This will remind you to drink regularly.

I like to keep my bottle on the side of my Dakine backpack. During the day it also saves to have to go to the kitchen too often for water refills.


Track your water intake


Another proven way of making sure you drink enough is to track your water intake. You can use apps like myfitnesspal to help here. First, plan what you want to drink. Pay attention to the season. IN summer and near the desert you might need more water than in Greenland.

There are no real rules of thumb. Some even like to mark their water bottles with sharpies to have better insight.



Drink water throughout the day


Here is some guidance on when to drink

  • Two glasses of water upon waking up
  • One glass half an hour before your meals
  • One glass during your meals
  • One glass half an hour before exercising
  • One glass every 10 - 20 minutes during exercise
  • One cup of water when you are done exercising


Two further hacks are to set a timer for every hour to drink and to drink after you have been to the restroom. The first can be combined with the reminders fitness trackers like Fitbit already sent out. The second is a good reminder in the sense of water out, water in.

If you hate water you can make it more palatable. Check out these flavored water recipes. ON top of hydrating you they also detox your body. For a simple solution just put a lime or lemon in your water.


Avoid energy drinks


Red Bull does a good job to make you believe sporty people consume energy drinks. They are packed with caffeine and sugar and therefore do the exact opposite in terms of hydration. They dehydrate you. On top of that, they come with possible side effects like palpitation, agitation and shaking.



Eat lots of fruits and veggies


Your digestion has a big influence on how hydrated you are. Therefore, pick food which is easy to digest. Thankfully, there are a lot of hydrating fruits and vegetables including: cucumbers, eggplant, zucchini, cantaloupe, watermelon, bell pepper, pear, romaine lettuce, pineapple, carrots, mango, apple, grapefruit, strawberries, orange, raspberries, celery, blueberries, baby spinach, grapes, tomato, and kiwi.

Start your day with a salad consisting of romaine lettuce, baby spinach, tomatoes, cucumbers, and celery; through the day, enjoy the fruits in season, especially watermelon and cantaloupe.

With this, you also avoid food which makes you constipated. This helps on long runs and when you do heavy squats. There is nothing worse than feeling like letting it rip while doing strenuous exercise.


Compensate alcoholic drinks with drinking water


Alcohol is one of the easiest ways to be healthier and lose weight. Just drink less of it. Still, you might want to have a little fun at a wedding or reception. In this case, compensate each alcoholic drink with a glass of water. As an added bonus you will also not have as bad a hangover the next day.


Love coffee? Then learn from the Greeks: drink a cup of water alongside


If you have ever been to Vienna or Athens you already know that they serve their espresso with water alongside it. Coffee is a stimulant and dehydrates you. You don't have to quit it. Just learn from ancient cultures and have it with water instead of by its own.


Other things you can do


If you already drink enough water and still feel dehydrated the cause might be other lifestyle choices. Here are some of the possible culprits:



Wear breathable clothing


Sweating a lot is a sure path to dehydration. Avoid sweating by wearing light, breathable clothes wherever possible. Pay attention to the fabric. Also, avoid dark colors. Maybe this is why Berliners seem to be so grumpy. They are dehydrated because of their dark clothes.

In the summer, protect your head from direct heat. Wear a sun hat or bandana to protect your precious brain. You will need it.


Are you really hungry?


Hunger can be a sign of dehydration. When you feel hungry, have a drink of water first. This helps with your diet and portion control. IT also will ensure that you hydrate in time. If the hunger persists longer than half an hour after drinking it is time for you to eat.


Having allergies?


Allergies manifest quicker when you are dehydrated. Rather than directly reaching for the pillbox try a glass of water first. Especially when you notice that your eyes itch and you start to sneeze, reach out for a glass of water first.


On prescription drugs? Check the side effects


There is no way around it. When you get sick you might need medication. Check the label for side effects. If dehydration is one of them and you are already struggling talk to your health professional. There might be alternatives which do the same without dehydrating you.


Cris Puscas is a contributing writer at Passionate about Mediterranean food and countries, she could eat her weight in cheese and olives.




Water is crucial for your performance. I often underestimated its importance. When I ran the Dublin marathon I did not drink enough and had salt inside my running clothes. This was the most miserable I felt ever after strenuous exercise. Keep your water intake in check to be your best self.

Further reading