My first crossfit half marathon row
Usually i lean more towards running than rowing because I can do it outside and also have a change of scenery. However today there was snow and it was damn cold. Me being a sissy i decided to go to the gym and do the scheduled half marathon not by foot, but on a concept 2 rowing machine.
This event was part of the 2013 Crossfit games. Again as with my runs, if I was a woman I would be damn good. But as I am a man, I am reasonably ok. It took me 1:26:47 to sinish 21100m of rowing.
Here are the pictures of snow and also the results of the crossfit games 2013.
These are the results of the 2013 rowing competition. What surprises me is that Rich Froning did not finish in the top 3. I have to check out the event to know what happened, even though watching guys rowing for 1:20 minutes with knowing the outcome is not the most fun thing to do in the world.
With my 1:26:47 i would have placed fist in the women's division. I think that is not too bad for an amateur who barely rows. I row once a month at max as I am preparing for my marathon in April. See the result below I put the ticker to 21100m and went down from there. Interesting to see the other people in the gym doing their thing while you are on the machine for that long.
Just in case any of you wanted to try this at home, this is how a guy looks after a half marathon row who already has done two marathons and trains 6 days a week. Just to warn you ;). I had fun with it in the end.