Pascal Landshoeft

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How students can release stress in a better way

Posted by Pascal Landshoeft on Nov 26, 2015 2:33:59 PM

How students can release stress in a better way

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Topics: Motivation

Two world wars were being fought due to a minority complex called nationalism

Posted by Pascal Landshoeft on Aug 21, 2015 1:47:48 PM

Two world wars were being fought due to a minority complex called nationalism

For centuries the German states which more or less united under Bismarck in the first German unification in 1871 had been left to be played around with by the other major players in Europe, namely France, England and the Holy Roman Empire under the Habsburg families. Most of these micro states did not even go beyond a field or a pond and were the victims of many wars and intrigues being fought by the many courts which existed back in the day. Their dukes, kings and barons where under constant thread to be either swallowed by a coalition of their neighbours who wanted a piece of their pie or aligning with the wrong of the three big players which was at the losing end of one of the wars they fought depending on which century it was. In addition their most beautiful and richest princesses were being married of to the current day Windsors, making them so German that they actually had to change their name when being German went out of fashion in 1917.(well that might be a bit over the top, but you'll get the point) The only thing they had in common was that they were not Muslims, but that is a can of worms i do nit want to open for this piece except to mention the crusades at least once.

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Big brother : “Those shall not fear who are righteous”

Posted by Pascal Landshoeft on Aug 20, 2015 9:48:52 AM

Big brother: “Those shall not fear who are righteous”

I have recently read “Now place to hide” which reveals the build up to and short aftermath of the developments in 2012/13 around Snowden and the extent of the intrusions in the online activities of private citizens all over the world by the American National Security agency (NSA). The following article sums up my takeaways in short mixed with personal opinion for all who want to have a short wrap up. All in all I am not shocked by what the NSA can do, but rather what they are being allowed to do without hesitation and how criticism around this is being dealt with.

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