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Rogue Monster stall bars vs Flying pull up bar

Written by Pascal Landshoeft | Dec 27, 2020 5:00:00 PM

Rogue Monster stall bars vs Flying pull up bar

This is a comparison between Rogue Monster stall bars pad and Rogue Flying pull up bar including pros, cons, and alternatives. The Original was published in which accessory equipment to get for your rogue rack. Follow the links for details

Overview and review of the Monster Flying Pull up bar

The Rogue Monster Flzing Pull up bar comes in at $455 and are a great addition to your existing rack to widen the possible exercises you can do. This article was originally published in "which accessory equipment to get for your rogue rack".

What else to consider from Rogue


Overview of the flying pull up bar

The flying pull up bar is a great tool to train upper body strength and athletic prowess. The rings of the flying pull up bar can be adjusted at different instances. This will enable you or your athletes to train explosiveness and eye to hand coordination while working on grip and their upper body. The specifications of the flying pull up bar for the Monster rig are: 
  • Made in the USA 
  • Only work with monster rig/rack 
  • Color black 
  • 500lb+ weight capacity 
  • Width 49”
  • Height 140.5” / 108”
This is a great addition to your home gym of your ceilings are high enough. It is also a tool for more advanced athletes. If you only have beginners there might be better investments to put your money into like a sled or medicine balls. 

Pros of the flying pull up bar

This is well thought through addition to any existing monster rack to take your pull-ups to the next level. Without taking up the space of a full ninja warrior obstacle course you can simulate many different climbing scenarios with a few extra attachments. You can also use the flying pull up bar to add some height to make your gymnastics rings a more effective tool for muscle-ups and other movements.

Cons of the flying pull up bar

This attachment is for advanced athletes and takes some extra space. You will be hard-pressed to fit it in many garage, basement and garden gyms or it will add considerable cost to the built. For a first-time gym outfitting, there are defiantly better attachments and equipment to invest your money in to cater to many needs. 

Alternatives to the flying pull up bar

Here are some alternatives to the Monster flying pull up bar 
The infinity and Monster lite flying pull up bars do essentially the same as the monster version, just for the respective rogue series of racks. You will save a little coat and be able to attach it to the rack you already own or purchase with the attachment. 
The Crown Pull up bar is an alternative to vary your training and especially focus on grip strength. While the crown will not help as much with explosive strength it gives you many setups to use. It also does not add to the height of your rack and can, therefore, be installed in more environments. As it is level it is also more beginner-friendly and therefore a better fit for first time outfittings. 
The Rogue Monster Slinger is an attachment to the Rogue rack which can be used for cable and pulley work. This will be a versatile tool for beginners and pros alike. It also comes at a fraction of the cost of the flying pull up bar so you might be able to equip three racks with some extra toys rather than just one. 

Summary for the flying pull up bar

The Rogue flying pull up bar is a great addition to your first rack purchase or existing setup if you are an advanced athlete yourself or have many advanced athletes in your gym. If you are a beginner maybe hold off on this item in the beginning and go for a crown pull up bar or Slinger instead depending on your style of training. 

Rogue Monster stall bars

The Rogue Monster stall bars come in at $415 and are a great addition to your existing rack to widen the possible exercises you can do. This article was originally published in "which accessory equipment to get for your rogue rack".

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Overview of the Monster stall bars

Stall bars have been around for a long time and are a versatile tool for any athlete. You can stretch, climb and work your core. The Rogue Stall bars 3.0 now also come in metal and can be fitted to any Monster lite or Competition will Infinity rack/rig. You can also mount it to a wall. The Rogue stall bar has the following specs: 
  • Made in the USA
  • Height: 90”
  • Width 43”
  • Diameter: 1.25” metal, 1.5” wood 
  • Wood is oak 
This is a great addition if people n is hit to use the stall bar properly. It also saves space as you can convert some of the walls of your gym into exercising ground.

Pros of the Monster stall bars

The stall bars are great if you either have big racks or a lot of unused walls. With this, you can give your athletes and yourself a point to stretch and do some gymnastics.

Cons of the Monster stall bars

Often stall bars remain unused or are the center for injuries as people do not know how to use them properly. Educate yourself and your staff and they become a valuable addition to your gym. 

Alternatives to the monster stall bars

Alternatives to the stall bar are 
The squat max MD is a value for money belt squat addition to your rack. You can decide whether you want to squat heavy with a belt around your hip or do some ballerina moves.  I know what you are thinking but maybe it is time to add a little more grace to your routine. 
The flying pull up bar attachment is another option for roughly the same price. This is a great option for climbers and anyone who wants to win Ninja warrior. The only downside is that you need the space and ceiling height to use this. 
The LT1 50 cal lever arms are probably one of the most versatile pieces of attachment rogue has to offer. This attachment turns your rack also most of the bodybuilding machines you find at golds gym. 

Summary for the Monster stall bars

The Rogue stall bars are a good addition to your gym on a wall. I probably wouldn’t use up rack space for them and opt for other equipment. You will j is how to use them and it is not for everyone. The good thing about them is that they are very versatile once you know how to use them.