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TITAN EZ Load hex bar vs Rogue Safety bar [Article, Video]

Written by Pascal Landshoeft | May 30, 2020 4:00:00 PM

TITAN EZ Load hex bar vs Rogue Safety bar [Article, Video]

This is a comparison between the TITAN EZ Load hex bar and the Rogue Safety bar. Follow the links for more details.

Overview and review of the Rogue Safety Squat bar

This overview of the  Rogue safety bar was originally published in my comprehensive guide on which Rogue barbell to buy. If you are currently considering to buy a Rogue barbell it is worth a read to get input on the latest models. I update the guide on a yearly basis depending on Rogue's new releases. 

Price: 395$


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Overview of the Rogue Safety bar

This is a bar out of the speciality bar selection of Rogue. Safety bar squats are especially popular among powerlifters. The idea is that the squats become less taxing on your body while still being able to train your posterior chain longer and harder. A very popular combination os to do safety bar squats to a box. You might want to consider to pick up one of Rogue boxes to be able to perform the movement.
The Rogue safety bar is tested at 1000lbs and 70lb/35kg. It has a frame and padding attached to it so that you can fully focus on your legs. There will be less balancing needed as with a normal barbell. Also, your elbows will not suffer as much as with extensive heavy squatting. 
Safety bar squats are not ideal for beginners. You need to build basic strength first to be able to progress to this beast. Do not think that 140kg of back squat with a barbell is the same as with the safety bar. The name can be a little misleading.

Pros of the safety bar

The safety bar is very popular with seasoned powerlifters. The older you get the more wear and tear your body shows. Especially when you have been lifting heavy for decades. The safety bar addresses these issues. You can lift heavy weights without taxing your ligaments and shoulders as much.

Cons of the safety bar

This bar can only be used for squats. If you only have a budget of 400 USD for the bar in your home gym do not get this bar. The same goes for gyms. Most of your clients will be intimated by the size of this beast and not know how to use it. You probably will only need one unless you are specialised in powerlifting. It is also huge and awkward to store. It fits on the lowest position of the gun rack. Know exactly why you want this bar before purchasing it. Otherwise, you have 395USD gathering dust in your basement. If the price tag is too high you can also opt for the camber bar. The camber bar comes in at a lower price and has a similar effect to the safety bar with less material protecting the lifter.


The Rogue Safety bar is a great tool for seasoned powerlifters to take stress of their lower backs and still train hard. You will also be able to mix things up a little more. You can also look int the Rogue Rhino Belt Squat as an alternative.

Learn more about the specs of the Rogue Safety barbell and purchase on the Rogue website

Further reading

Overview and review of the TITAN EZ Load Hex bar

The Titan EZ load hex bar will put you back about $150. TITAN is well known for their very good prices compared to their competition and will get you started on your home gym. This review was originally posted in “which barbell to get from TITAN”.


Overview of the EZ load hex bar 

The EZ load hex bar is a great tool for experienced athletes who want to train their grip or rehab patients who want to get into the deadlift to reap its benefits. The EZ bar is raised from the floor which makes it easier to load plates. You stand inside the frame to lift the weight which makes it less taxing on your back. The features and specifics are: 
EZ hex bar details: 
  • raised plate holders for easy loading
  • 2" Tubing for EZ Load Hex Bar Frame
  • 3 different grip diameters, 1", 1.5", and 2" Just rotate to change grips!
  • Knurled Handles.
  • 10" of loadable sleeve length
  • Fits 2" Olympic Plates.
  • Weight plates holders at 10" off the ground. 
  • Weight: 54 LB
  • Length: 66.33"
  • Width: 30.9"
  • Height: 10"
  • Sleeve length: 10"
A great bar to experiment and develop different types of strength. 

Pros of the EZ hex bar 

The EZ hex bar is an innovative concept you do not find in every gym. Different options to train your grip can be especially interesting for Strongman athletes. Additionally, also the easy load option, as they usually have to get a lot of plates on their bar. Beginners will struggle less and still get the benefits of a hex bar

Cons of the EZ hex bar 

There are moving parts which means that it is more prone to break after heavy use. This means gym environments with 100s of reps a day by inexperienced lifters or very, very big guys and ladies. As TITAN is known for shortcuts on their welding and finish this is something to be mindful about with this item. 

Alternatives to the TITAN  EZ hex bar 

The Titan hex bar would be an option with fewer moving parts which makes it more robust and less prone to quality issues. 
The Rogue trap bar would be an alternative which costs more and has no options for different grips. In return, the finish of Rogue is usually more consistent in quality. 
If you want an easy to load trap bar with an inbuilt jacking system and different grips go for the Trap bar from Kabuki strength. This will be top-notch engineering which comes with a price tag to reflect the craftsmanship going into this bar. 

Summary for the EZ hex bar 

A great addition for your arsenal, but probably get a normal hex bar first.