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Rogue D-Ball medicine ball vs Rogue echo slam ball

Written by Pascal Landshoeft | Oct 19, 2020 4:00:00 PM

Rogue D-Ball medicine ball vs Rogue echo slam ball

This is a comparison of the Rogue D-ball medicine ball and the Rogue echo slam ball including pros, cons, and alternatives. Follow the links for more details.


Overview and review of the Rogue Echo slam balls

This is an overview of the Rogue Echo slam balls including pros, cons, and alternatives. Follow the links for more details.

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Overview of the Rogue Echo Slam balls 

Price: $35 - $109
The Rogue echo slam balls have been specifically designed to take a lot of abuse for being thrown on the ground. Regular medicine balls can often come apart at the seams when thrown on the ground too often. The Echo Slam balls fix this problem by being robust and providing a dead bounce. They are also cheaper than regular medicine balls. The full specifications of the Rogue Echo Slam balls are:
  • Sold Individually
  • Weight Options: 10 LB, 15 LB, 20 LB, 25 LB, 30 LB, 35 LB, 40 LB, 45 LB, 50 LB
  • Grip-friendly, rubberized exterior shell
  • Diameter: 9" (10LB - 30LB balls), 10" (35LB - 50LB balls)
  • Color: Red with LB and Rogue logo in White
  • 2 Year Warranty*
These are great for most WODs and save you some hassle compared to regular medicine balls.

Pros of the Rogue echo slam balls

Pros of the Rogue echo slam balls are:
  • Price
  • Dead bounce 
  • Stability
This is a workhorse of a medicine ball that gives some of the most pounds per dollar in the Rogue medicine ball line up. You can abuse the heck out of it and still comes back for more.

Cons of the Rogue Echo Slam ball

The cons of the Rogue Echo slam ball are:
  • Limited choice of color
  • Not great for throwing
You have to like red to like these balls. If you want more color in your life you might have to opt for other options from Rogue. They are also not great for partner throws because of the dead bounce. 

Alternatives to the Rogue Echo Slam ball

Alternatives to the Rogue echo slam ball are:
The D-Ball medicine ball comes in black and has a bit more grip to get it off the floor. If you intend to do heavy medicine ball lifts to shoulder, rather than mainly slamming the medicine ball, than the D-Balls are the better option for you. 
If you are looking into something with a little extra weight to throw and catch then the rubber medicine balls might be the better option than the Rogue echo slam balls. These are low cost and have no dead bounce. 

Conclusion for the Rogue echo slam balls

The Rogue echo slam balls are a great low-cost option to go heavy on slams. In most cases, they might even be a better buy for a home gym owner than a regular medicine ball.

Overview and review of the Rogue D-Ball medicine balls

This is an overview of the Rogue D-Ball medicine balls including pros, cons, and alternatives. Follow the links for more details.

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Overview of the D-Ball medicine balls

Price: $55 - $110
D-Ball medicine balls are a great option that provides a little more grip than a classic medicine ball. These balls are great for everything you can do with a medicine ball except throwing and catching. For that, a traditional medicine ball is probably the better choice. Rogue D-Ball medicine ball come in 8lb to 40lb with a diameter of 9"or 10.6". The full specifications are:
  • Made in the USA
  • Medball/Slamball
  • 9 Weight Increments: 8 LB to 40 LB
  • Diameter: 9” (8LB to 25LB) and 10.6” (30-40LB)
  • Durable Rubber Shell with Textured Grip
  • Color: Black
These are a great addition for anyone who wants to do condition y lifting heavy balls of the ground to the shoulder and dropping them back down to repeat the process.

Pros of the D-Ball medicine balls

Pros of the D-Ball medicine balls are:
  • Rubber exterior
  • Standardized size 
  • Gel-like filling
The rubber exterior makes it easier to hold onto and keep the ball in place when you want to perform any kind of movement where you are leaning on the ball. Even if the d-balls get heavier, they stay the same size, which is good to remember the motor pattern. The gel-like filling makes them especially good for lifting to the shoulder and dropping them back down from there without too much bounce. 

Cons of the D-ball medicine balls

The cons of the d-ball medicine balls are:
  • Little bounce
  • Harder on wrists
  • Higher price
The D-ball medicine ball has very little bounce and is also harder than a classic medicine ball. This makes it a great option when you drop it and pick it up, but less ideal for throwing and catching. Compared to the Echo Slam balls they also have a higher price. ou get a better grip on the D-Balls than on the slam balls, but the difference is negligible to justify the higher price. Especially if you are buying in bulk.

Alternatives to the D-Ball medicine ball

Alternatives to the d-ball medicine ball are:
If you want a heavy medicine ball for your workouts that stays the same size, then the MK D`Balls are a good option. Especially for the higher weights, I would go for the MK instead of the regular D-Balls.
The Echo slam balls are a great alternative to the light D-Balls that cost less. If all you do is slamming the balls rather than bringing them to the shoulder than this might be the right one for you.
 If you want to save some money, but still have a medicine ball that you can throw around, then the Rogue Rubber medicine balls can be a good alternative to combine a low price point with some weight to throw about.