Posted by Pascal Landshoeft
Mar 12, 2020 9:00:00 AM
Topics: Run Faster, Treadmill, Cardio, Marathon
You can combine Stronglifts and cardio if you already have reached a higher of fitness in strength or endurance. If you are just starting out work on your goals first and focus on Stronglifts or cardio to build a solid routine. After this, you can start to scale.
Topics: Lift stronger, Run Faster, Stronglifts 5x5, Fitness, Strength
You’ve done all the training, and you know that you’re physically ready. So why do the pre-race nerves kick in? And more importantly, what can you do to control them? Mentally preparing for the big race can really help you remain calm and focused. You will be able to get over your fear and anxiety, making sure that you’re performing to the absolute best of your ability.
Topics: Run Faster, How to run a faster marathon, Fitness
This article was originally published on under the title "6 Mindful Tips for meditating while running". Check out their content as I they are a nice team to work with and they will appreciate you as a customer. I have taken their ideas and added some more depth to it. You will find tips on how to start meditating and how it works for beginners and experienced runners.
Topics: Run Faster
Posted by Pascal Landshoeft
Dec 6, 2017 10:00:00 AM
Topics: Lift stronger, Run Faster, Fitness
Posted by Pascal Landshoeft
Oct 30, 2017 11:00:00 AM
If you want the most up to date news or ask direct questions, then you can follow me on Instagram.
Topics: Run Faster, Kettlebell
Posted by Pascal Landshoeft
May 26, 2017 10:00:00 AM
This is a write up of my biggest mistakes with running after I did three marathons. Enjoy the read and you might take something away from it and leave a comment.
Topics: Run Faster
Posted by Pascal Landshoeft
May 5, 2017 10:00:00 AM
I have run three marathons so far finishing in 3:58, 4:04 and 4:14. From 2013 to 2015 I was quite active and learned a lot running the Dublin race series and marathons in Frankfurt, Dublin and Vienna. Below you find some of the lessons I learned the hard to make it easier for you. If you have any questions please pop it into the comments section and I will gladly come back to you.
Topics: Run Faster
Summarising this topic Ithink occasional and unfit runners who are not so sure abut themselves should start out on a treadmill to get used to running. Everyone who really wants to compete in mi distances, sprints or marathons are generally better off running outside, except the have a real challenge to keep their pace, where the treadmill can be occasionally incporporated to get a tightly controlled pace training in which is not influenced by external weather factors.
Topics: Run Faster
Posted by Pascal Landshoeft
Jun 29, 2014 1:52:00 AM
No, i didn´t get chased by a dog holding a cat to improve my 5 mile run time. Even though this might be a good idea to run faster, especially if the dog is big enough. The weekend of the 28.06.2014 has been pretty eventful for me as I rescued a cat from drowning in the liffey and ran a 5 mile personal best. And it seems it is still not over, as I am going fishing tomorrow.
Topics: Run Faster