Can Marathoners be good crossfitters:
January 2015

Progress on powerlifts

Progress on double unders

Progress on running
As stated above i clocked a considerable amount of kilometres running. What I am very happy about is that I did a 2.30 hour run on 07.02.2015 without stopping at a pace of 5.30 per km. I am getting close to doing 30km in training in my long run. I think that is the longest I have run without walking in between as at my marathons this was about the time when i hit the wall and started to occasionally walk. Promising for Vienna in April, still a long way to go. Also I am back under 4:00 per km on interval runs which is roughly back to form of mid 2014 which is good looking forward to the season.
The bad news: inflamed elbows
I went to the doctor after having a wierd lump on my elbow for roughly two months now. I have been informed that both of my elbows are inflamed and I need to rest them for a couple of weeks. At first I was very disappointed and inclined to ignore the doctors advise. After talking to my girlfriend and reading a bit of stuff on the internet, i decided to go with what the doctor said and regroup. I will not stop training as I am still allowed to run, even though rope skipping is forbidden. It will be aaaaaaaaaaaaabs February and I found the following routines to focus on my weakness of bodyweight training:
Bicycle crunch 12x
Hanging Leg raise 12x
Back extensions 12x
Three rounds for time
Barbell rollout 15x
Abmat sit up 15x
Romanian Deadlift 15x
Three rounds for time
100 Abmat Situps for time
100 Air Squats for time
15 toe to bar
15 hollow rock
15 decline sit ups
3 rounds for time
15 - 1 complex Box jumps & Abmat sit ups
21 - 15 - 9 complex Box jumps & Abmat Sit ups
5x5 Leg press
I will stay away from 5x5 Stronglift for February, even though it does not make me happy. Same goes for push ups and pull ups until the end of my antibiotics. I think this is the wiser decision in the long run. Hopefully the February progression picture will show some aaaaaaabs ;). We will see.
All the best
Further reading
- Can marathoners be good crossfitters ? The beginnings
- Can marathoners be good crossfitters ? First steps
- Can marathoners be good crossfitters ? First progress
- Can marathoners be good crossfitters ? Smart
crossfit with 5 apps - Can marathoners be good crossfitters ? My first Linda
- Can marathoners be good crossfitters ? The first three months
- Can marathoners be good crossfitters ? October 2014 Powerlifting
- Can marathoners be good crossfitters ? December 2014 Powerlifting
- Can Marathoners be good crossfitters: February 2015
- Can marathoners be good crossfitters ? March 2015
- Can marathoners do
crossfit April 2015 - Can Marathoners do
crossfit May 2015
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