How to perform a bench press for crossfit for beginners
The bench press is one of the most commonly performed free weight movement’s in the gym. Even Hollywood incorporates it in a scene between Robin Williams and Matt Damon in the movie Good will hunting as a test of manliness. The major variations of the bench press are related to the width of the grip and whether it is performed in straight movement or with a pause on the chest. For this article we assume you wanted to perform a one rep repetition under maximum load or the maximum amount of repetitions at a lower load.
The setup
As for the squat think about attacking the bar. You want to bend that steel and make it your own and not be dominated by the steel.
For this place your hands approximately one thumb width away from the knurl or whatever feels most comfortable for you to exert maximum force to drive the bar up from the chest. Your head should be positioned below the bar and at the center of it. Experiment with distances on how high above your chest you want the bar to be in the racked position and how far the bar has to travel to get into the locked arms position depending on your individual physique. Ideally you can easily rerack the bar position by tilting it slightly backward and lowering it in the cups when your arms are fully extended. If you can barely unrack the bar it is positioned too high. If you already have to perform half a bench press to get it to starting position it is too low. Squeeze the bar as hard as you can and press your hips up and bring your backside back on the bench to form a bridge. Walk your feet in as close as possible to your shoulders and squeeze back together to achieve this. Only your shoulders and your bottom touches the bench, not your lower back, if done correctly. In addition squeeze your glutes as hard as you can as if you wanted to suck that bench in through the place where the sun does not shine. Build this tension and keep it.
The bench press
Unrack the bar and lock out your arms until your arms are straight and not tilted forwards or backwards. Than lower the bar in a controlled manner to your chest while maintaining the tension in the bridge. Touch the chest slightly and move the weight back to full extension in the locked position. Repeat this movement until your set is finished. Put the bar back into the rack by tilting it backwards when you are finished.
Further reading
On the deadlift
- 7 simple ways to gain on the deadlift
- 72 deadlift dynamite quotes which will make you pull more
- Best deadlift dynamite review which will make you pull more
- Can kettlebell swings replace deadlifts?
- Can you use
smolov for the deadlift? - Try this deadlift thing to get strong like bull
- Selected quotes from deadlift dynamite that will make you stronger
- Which is harder bench press
oder deadlift? - Why are there only 1x5 deadlifts in Stronglifts 5x5
On the squat
- Are you sure about wearing the right shoes for squatting
- Bench press or squat first
- Bench press in a squat rack
- Better breathing makes your squat stronger
- Breathing Squat
- Can kettlebells swings replace squats
- Can you squat and deadlift on the same day
- Challenge, Sore
toda , Strong tomorrow - Confidential: Get rid of the machines and hire the squat
- Detailed Smolov squat routine review
- Eager to know about wearing the right suit for squatting
- How to perform a back squat for
crossfit for beginners - How years of quality cossack squats easily help your fitness
- Overcome these sins of the squat
- Squat: How many reps
- Squat: How to improve
- Squat: When to inhale and exhale
- Squat without pads
- Squat Calculator [Free Downloads]
- The Truth squat or lunges?
- Ultimate 30 day squat challenge that
tighten and tone - What squat is best
- Why are there so many squats in Stronglifts 5x5
On the bench press
- 6 common mistakes when you bench press for strength
- An easy guide to bench press like a powerlifter for any age
- Bench press or floor press
- Bench Press or Military Press
- Eliminate these mistakes with the bench press
- How accurate are bench press calculators
- How to bench press 300 pounds or 140kg
- How to bench press for Stronglifts
- How to bench press more weight quick
- How to do the bench press properly
- How to increase your bench press
- The reasons why you need to bench press
- What are bench press boards
- What does the bench press target
- When you should bench press with dumbbells
- Which bench press is best for chest
- Who can bench press 1000 pounds
- Why bench press with bands
- Why bench press with chains
- Why is the bench press so popular
- Why use a bench press shirt