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Most popular Rogue racks in 2020
Attached you find which Rogue racks have been most popular on in terms of views of their reviews and click through rates to Rogue Fitness for purchases. If you want to learn more about the details of the composition of the data you can read the full analyses under what were the most popular Rogue products in 2020.
The most popular rogue racks based on views of their reviews on Marathon-CrossFit in 2020 are:
RML 390 F is a half-rack from Rogue that does not need to be bolted to the ground. This makes it a very likely candidate from Rogue to have a very high sales volume. The small footprint and reasonable price further underpin this. Compared to the
RM8 it is affordable so popularity is more likely to directly transfer to sales.
You can read the full review of the RML 390F on my blog here.
RM4 Fortis is a cheaper version of the RM4 Monster rack from Rogue. You will have fewer color options and get fewer pins and extras with your order. This is a good option if you want more space in the rack than with a half rack without shelling out thousands of dollars.
You can ted the fu review of the RM4 fortis rack here.
The R
M4 Fortis is part of the Monster series of
Rogue with special welding
which makes it a little easier in your wallet. This is the est full
rack from
Rogue which you can get for under $1000. It is available in black only and is made in Columbus Ohio.
This rack comes with a width of 49'' and a length of 49''. The height is 90''. It is made from 3x3'' 11 gauge steel notes to come to a total footprint of 53''x53''. It ships with a pull-up bar, safety pins, J-Cups and MOnster band pegs. With this rack, you are entering the monster family of Rogue and can use the accessories which are labeled Monster.
The RM-4 Fortis Rack is a great option when you do not want too many options when you purchase and save money. If you like black this is a good option to stay friendly on the budget while not compromising too much on quality.
Rogue Monster vs Monster lite series
If you are torn between the Rogue Monster and Rogue Monster Lite Series then this video is for you. Commercial buyers should lean more towards the Monster Series as it gets more attention from the Rogue Product development team and will also take a bigger beating due to the sturdier nuts and bolts. Home gym buyers ought to have a good look at the upgrade paths and accessories for the Monster and Monster lite line.
Personally, I am a huge fan of the RM3 as it puts you at the entry-level of budget to get into the Monster line. However, with the 3.0 upgrade of the Monster lite series, there is not a lot to compromise anymore between the two lines. So, if you are not into the big upgrades and just want to upgrade a Monster lite rack to the max with your available budget, then that is also a great road to travel.
Pros of the RM4 Fortis rack
If you need a full
rack for your home gym and don't want
to go all out this is the one for you. With under $1.000 you safe considerably
to other models. It will do the job just like an
RM4 with fewer options
to customize.
Cons of the RM4 Fortis rack
If you are really all about price, you might as well go for an even cheaper rack from the Infinity or Echo series to save more. Why spent $1000 when you do not get any customization. Still, that is just me talking as I am a sucker for merchandise.
Alternatives to the RM4 Fortis rack
Some viable alternatives to the RM-4 fortis rack are
RM4 is the big brother of the
RM4-Fortis and gives you more options
to customize. You can choose the color and height of the
rack. In addition, you can also order Gussets or socket bars
which go with this
rack. IN turn, the
RM4 comes in at a slightly higher price than the fortis. If you want
to make your gym stand out from the rest on the block, this might be the right road
to travel down.
RM 3 Fortis is the smaller version of the
RM4 Fortis. This is a half
rack which can be a good alternative if you are short for space and money. It will still do the trick for the squat, bench press, and deadlift. It will still come with a pull-up bar, band pegs, and J Cups
to be ready
to rock once it is unboxed.
The last alternative is the
RML 490C. If you want
to customize your
rack, save money and get a bit of jazz going this is the option for you. It is only slightly above $1.000 and a full
rack with color options. The only downside is that it is only compatible with the Monster lite series accessories from
Rogue. You will, therefore, cut yourself out from the newest updates in the world of
Rogue upgrades as they are first released for the Monster series.